viernes, 23 de febrero de 2018

Clothes France

Hello I am going to write about the typical things of France.

Clothes: For men, the typical clothes are a normal trouser and a beautifull shirt
For woman the typical clothes are a dress of flowers

Food: the typical in France is the caneles and, you will now, the croissant.

Sports: In France is typical to play, like in a lot of countries, to play football. There are some footballers in Fance that are some good like Neymar, that play in PSG or Mbappe that play in PSG too.

Now I am watching a football match, PSG vs Olympique de Marsella and the PSG is winning 3-1. I am watching the match with my father . He is eating a sandwich of txistorra and I am eating a croissant with chocolate.

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