miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2018

juan manuel lasa gutierrez 17 1-ESO-B

                               #1 writing
 I´m writing abaut Greece
Greece is a member country of the european union aroun 11 millions inhabitants live in the country The grece´s capitalis athens. The capital is the most popular city in  the country. The greek territory is mainly mountanous and form a eating a icecream ebside me are my family eating a icecreangreece has the tenth largest costline in the world to the nort it borders on Albania, Macedonia and Bulgaria some places to visit are acropolis of athens and the zeus olimpicos temple. Other place is the acropolis in athens and the partenon.
In this foto I´m in front of the partenon and I´meating a icecream. beside me are my family and lots of people thatI don´t recognise on my left is Adrian there are doing a  selfie. The people that are begind me are looking the partenon.                                                                                                                                            


Greek gods

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