miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2018

Hello, I am going to wrirte about France.

            Five of a lot of geographical pheatures of France are: The Sena river that is next to the Eiffel Tower and the river have 779 km. The waterfall of cirquede of gabardine, the Mont Blanc, that is the most important montain of France, the Couffre of Padirac, that is cabe that is very tall. The last geographical feature is the valley of Aspe that is in Lées Athas.💚🌲🌷

          The capital of France is París and two
landmarks are Eiffel Tower , that is 300 metres tall and if it was created by Gustav in 1889 and they work 2 years, 2 months and 5 days.

             I have a photo with another important landmarks the Arco del Triunfo. In the photo I am playing football with my cousin. My brother and my sister are shouting to the birds that are flying in the sky. Other people are takeing photos for Instagram, I think😂😂

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